Test: Standing Sprint 5/10/20/30 m

What is a Standing Sprint Test?

The Standing Sprint Test is a standardised test to evaluate athlete’s acceleration and sprinting performance from a stationary start over 5, 10, 20, or 30 metres. Widely used in explosive sports, this test has traditionally relied on timing gates to capture a limited number of split times. In contrast, Photon Sports offers a more comprehensive approach to sprint testing by tracking the athlete at 60 data points per second, providing a detailed analysis of their speed, acceleration, and peak velocity.

Why test Standing Sprint?

Athletes should test their explosive sprinting capabilities to gain clear insights into their speed and acceleration. This testing allows coaches and players to evaluate where they lose or gain speed and power, monitor progress over time, and benchmark performance within the team or against others.

Regular testing also ensures that training remains effective, making it essential for optimizing performance and preventing injury.

Get the complete picture on speed and acceleration  

Photon Sports’ unique technology captures sprint data with 60 data points per second, providing sprint graphs and KPIs with split times every 10 centimetres. Get instant feedback on the field or dive deep into the numbers and graphs in our web app for a comprehensive understanding.

Other Speed & Acceleration Tests

Our 3D technology tracks centre of body mass with 60 hertz resolution giving split times every 10 centimetres. That’s equivalent to 300 timing gates on a 30 m sprint presenting the complete picture on your speed and acceleration.

Tests for Speed and Acceleration

Repeated Sprint [BETA]
6X 30 meters

Learn More

Want to learn more? Reach out to us!

Hanna Marklund
Customer Relationshanna.marklund@photonsports.se
Michael Almebäck
Senior Business Development Managermichael.almeback@photonsports.se
Will Hoare
Business Development Manager, UKwill.hoare@photonsports.se

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