About us

Revolutionising physical performance optimisation

A value driven brand and advocate for healthy physical performance optimisation for everyone that aspires to be a high performer. A playground for science and data driven innovation that spearheads the development within physical performance analysis and injury prevention.

A design driven high tech company with global impact. An inspiring, co-creative workplace that attracts a diverse team of talents ranging from engineers and system developers, to sports medicine staff, researchers and experience designers.

The story

“Physics sheds light on physical performance.”

Big changes start with small ideas. And ideas tend to grow when you share them. Jonas Sjöberg, one of Europe’s leading experts in Optical System Design, got one of his many ideas around practical implementations of optic technology thanks to a childhood friend. The challenge was simple to understand but required world leading competence and experience to implement – Is there a fast and affordable way to measure athletic performance on the go?

Thanks to the last years rapid development within 3D camera technology, Jonas saw a possibility to enable affordable, fast and easy physical performance analysis for everyone. And teaming up with Hanna Marklund helped form the disruptive business idea that Photon Sports is today. As a former elite soccer player Hanna had first hand experience with the problems, limitations and costs surrounding accurate metrics to optimize training and prevent injuries. Insights that not only pointed towards a global billion dollar market, but also would help improve health among young future athletes.

Together they have paved the way for a patented technology designed by a diversified organisation of experts. An intuitive service that will change the way physical activities are measured – in the right context – to improve health and sports performance analysis.

Our Culture

Our culture is how we do things. The values and code of behavior that outlines how and why we act the way we do towards each other and the outside world. It is a guideline and safe harbor for decision making and helps us stay true to our brand. If there is one thing a strong brand can’t live without, it’s a culture – relevant, true and easily understandable words and rule sets that makes out the foundation to a brands identity.

Our culture, much like our vision, needs to be implemented in the organisation through a well-planned process that involves everyone for an optimal result. Not just as a focused project even if it starts that way, but rather implemented in our daily work, routines and processes.

As the Photon Sports founders are driven by values very much focused on co-creation and team orientation, Photon Sports has the best of possibilities to build a strong and clear culture that will empower the brand in a very successful way.

Core values

Co-creation – We are smarter when we think and work together with our colleagues and stakeholders

Science – We base decisions on data and proven knowledge instead of assumptions and beliefs

Health – We believe that health comes first and develop our company and products accordingly

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