It’s Not About A and B. It’s What’s in Between!
Presenting What Happens in Between.

Next Gen Video Analysis Tools Assessing Why it Happens!

Capture 240 fps Video and Reveal What's So Far Been Hidden
By integrating advanced video capture with precise biomechanical data, Photon Sports’ platform allows users to visualize and analyze movement patterns of velocity, acceleration, deceleration and change of direction.
- Seamless Integration with 3D Tracking: This technology combines patented 3D tracking data with synchronized high-resolution/high-frame video (2.7K, 240fps) for a full view of motion and biomechanics.
- Biomechanical Feedback: Providing in-depth analysis of an individual’s movement patterns to enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury.
- Compatible with Photon’s entire test battery: Conduct video and biomechanical analysis from any angle on any test.
High-FPS Video and High-Res Graphs Automatically Synchronised

The Setup
Testing, accessing and analysing physical abilities should always be quick, accurate and easy! That’s one of our core ideas. The same goes with our video analysis tool.
- Wireless connection – to cover all angles without cords and cables
- Automatic recording – The camera starts and stops the recording, of every test automatically
- Reliable hardware – GoPro cameras to facilitate good video quality
- Connect several GoPro cameras (in beta)
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