Speed & Acceleration
Our 3D technology tracks centre of body mass with 60 hertz resolution giving split times every 10 centimetres. That equivalent to 300 timing gates on a 30 m sprint presenting the complete picture on your speed and acceleration.
Tests for Speed and Acceleration
Standing Sprint
5, 10, 20, 30 meter
Max Speed Sprint
10, 20, 30 meter
Force Velocity Sprint
Bram Swinnen FVP
Repeated Sprint [BETA]
6X 30 meters

Most sports are deceleration-dominant, sometimes referred to as the forgotten factor. Our deceleration-ability test battery is unique, providing actionable insights that were previously difficult to track.
Tests for Deceleration
5-0-5 Test
5 and 10 m run up
A-D-A Acceleration Deceleration Ability
10, 20, 30 meter

Testing for non-linear sprints has been around for a while; now it’s time for high-resolution tracking in three dimensions. Get the entire speed graph and track key parameters for COD
Tests for Speed and Acceleration

CUT-Tests 45° and 75°
10+5 m, 5+2,5 m

Standing, Three-point
Standing, Three-point

Most sports are deceleration dominant. For some, deceleration is referred to as the forgotten factor. Our test battery for deceleration abilities is unique and brings actionable insights that were hard to track until now.
Tests for Deceleration