SPC in Sports Performance

What is SPC?

Statistical Process Control (SPC), a century-old method from manufacturing, monitors processes by detecting trend shifts and distinguishing between normal variations and significant outliers.

In athletic performance testing, SPC ensures players track physical development within expected variations or spot anomalies.

Why SPC?

To quote Chris Barnes: “Football is a random and chaotic sport full of noise.” By using Statistical Process Control charts, practitioners can identify statistically significant trend shifts and distinguish outliers within that noise, aiding them in tailoring training and optimize each athlete’s potential.

How to apply SPC?

It’s simple! Just follow your test-protocols and do them regularly to quantify your data and our system will serve you auto-generated, detailed and interactive SPC graphs to identify trends and outliers.

WEBINAR – 18 minutes

SPC – How to Navigate with Empirical Data, Featuring Chris Barnes | UEFA

ANALYTICS tools to validate RESULTS

Auto-Generated SPC Charts for Fact Based Descisions 

Apply Statistical Process Control to Any Test Data  

Cut through the noise and navigate with empirical data. SPC can be applied to any of our tests, whether it be sprints, deceleration, jumps, or change of direction. The only thing you have to do is to perform at least five consecutive tests and our algorithm will serve you this.

Test Data When SPC Matters:

Change of direction
  • CUT 45°–135°
    (10+5 meter)
  • Curved sprint
  • 5-10-5 Pro Agility
  • T-tests
  • Countermovement jump
  • Squat jump
  • Single-leg jump

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